Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the global headquarters of Salvation Ministries?

The global headquarters of Salvation Ministries is located at Plot 17 Birabi Street, G.R.A Phase I, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.

Can i give online?

Yes, to give online visit or click GIVE at the top menu.

Can i pay my tithe online?

Yes, to pay your tithe online visit or click GIVE at the top menu.

Can i register for WOLBI online?

Yes, to register for WOLBI online visit

How can i get the church account numbers to sow

To get the account numbers visit

What are the procedures for church planting?

For church planting contact the missions office on (+234) 801 234 567 8900

How long do I get support?

We will get back to you in 24 hours on business working days, while we will get back to you on the next business working day on off business working days.

Can i fellowship with Salvation Ministries online

Yes, if you do not have a satellite church around you, fellowship with us on service days on any of the social media platforms.